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Stock wild life images in Savannah, (Georgia, USA) The Savannah National Wildlife Refuge is a 29,175 acre National Wildlife Refuge located in Chatham and Effingham counties in Georgia and Jasper County in South Carolina. The refuge was established to provide a nature and forest preserve for aesthetic and conservation purposes. Known for its rich flora during the humid summer months, the region also supports a diverse wildlife population. The variety of birdlife within the Lowcountry is enhanced by its location on the Atlantic Flyway. During the winter months, thousands of mallards, pintails, teal and as many as ten other species of ducks migrate into the area, joining resident wood ducks on the refuge. In the spring and fall, transient songbirds stop briefly on their journey to and from northern nesting refuge is home to a large variety of wildlife including: ducks, geese, wading birds, and shorebirds. Several threatened and endangered species are protected on the refuge, including the American Alligator, Flatwoods Salamander, Bald Eagle, Wood Stork, Shortnose Sturgeon, and Florida Manatee. The refuge also provides nesting areas for wood ducks, great horned owls, osprey and Swallow-tailed©Paul Todd/OUTSIDEIMAGES.COMbr/OUTSIDE IMAGES PHOTO AGENCY

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Agriculture, Alligators, Chatham, Effingham, Georgia, Refuge, South Carolina, asper, eco tourism, fields, industry, wildlife



Stock wild life images in Savannah, (Georgia, USA) The Savannah National Wildlife Refuge is a 29,175 acre National Wildlife Refuge located in Chatham and Effingham counties in Georgia and Jasper County in South Carolina. The refuge was established to provide a nature and forest preserve for aesthetic and conservation purposes. Known for its rich flora during the humid summer months, the region also supports a diverse wildlife population. The variety of birdlife within the Lowcountry is enhanced by its location on the Atlantic Flyway. During the winter months, thousands of mallards, pintails, teal and as many as ten other species of ducks migrate into the area, joining resident wood ducks on the refuge. In the spring and fall, transient songbirds stop briefly on their journey to and from northern nesting refuge is home to a large variety of wildlife including: ducks, geese, wading birds, and shorebirds. Several threatened and endangered species are protected on the refuge, including the American Alligator, Flatwoods Salamander, Bald Eagle, Wood Stork, Shortnose Sturgeon, and Florida Manatee. The refuge also provides nesting areas for wood ducks, great horned owls, osprey and Swallow-tailed©Paul Todd/OUTSIDEIMAGES.COMbr/OUTSIDE IMAGES PHOTO AGENCY